Faster Booking With Our Booking Resource System!

Welcome to our resource booking platform! We are dedicated to simplify the process of booking resources for all your school needs.

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About Us

We are a group of Singapore Institute of Technology students hoping to improve our school's booking resource system through our INF1009 Web Systems & Technologies project.

We hope to bring about a smoother and more efficient booking experience for students, faculty, and staff at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).

Why Us!


Easy Resource Booking

With just a few clicks, you can reserve dicussion rooms, seminar rooms and more!

Real-time Availability

Instantly check the availability of resources, ensuring seamless scheduling.
User Friendly

User-Friendly Interface

Our intuitive platform makes the booking process simple and straightforward for all users.

Customizable Booking Preferences

Allow users to choose preferred location and time slots, making the booking experience more personalised and efficient.